Make sure you stand a good chance of getting your required score on the IELTS with help form Jonathan who has been teaching IELTS for over 13 years.
We will equip you with all the skills needed to get your desired score.
Five hours total which include all areas of the exam.
- Advice on how to get a better answer - Example question with detailed advice - Complex language help and sentence structure. - Task 1 and task 2 segmenting and detailed help on both. - Relate your writing with the rubric descriptors the examiners are looking for.
- Practical help on higher level language - Past exam questions and help with answers. - Building of confidence in speaking - Use of academic language for all learners. - Use of strategies and techniques to help you raise your score.
- Understand past exam questions and why they ask them. Helpful advice on techniques of answering listening questions. - Q and A answer sessions in all areas as the student will feel comfortable with the tutor.
- All past exam questions which are really useful. - Confidence building in all areas of reading. - A useful booklet in all areas to keep with you for your revising. - Explanation of vocabulary and what to do if you do not understand certain words.
English Teacher
Every Weekend