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Motivating Adults in Developing Basic Skills

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It goes without saying that certain skills are vital to thrive in life and at work. Basic adult skills, which necessarily include literacy, ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages), numeracy, and now, even practical digital skills, have become key to employability, as well as job and pay satisfaction. In addition, having these skills naturally lead to improved self-esteem, security, and well-being, among other positive impacts in individuals.

This notwithstanding, it has been reported that many adults in the United Kingdom are currently lacking in these basic skills. In fact, statistics show that almost 20% of working-age adults in the country are not equipped with Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications, particularly Level 2 Maths and English.

There are many possible reasons for this. For one, some adults have this impression that they are already past the “studying” age, thereby preventing them from enroling in classes for skills improvement. Lack of time is also another reason, as most adults are busy with their current employment, caring for their families, and such other responsibilities. 

Perhaps the most common factor, however, is lack of motivation among adults. Upskilling, or the process of learning additional skills or boosting existing skills, most certainly entails effort, commitment, and sacrifice, and for these alone, many adults already feel unmotivated and uninspired.

This is nothing irremediable, though! Here are some ways that can help you motivate yourself in developing basic adult skills!

1. Find out your ‘why’.

In deciding to gain or improve your skills, know why you are going to do it and what you are going to do it for. What is your primary purpose? Whom, apart from yourself, are you going to do this for? Understanding your ‘why’ helps a lot in keeping yourself motivated, especially on days where you feel most uninspired.

2. Set personal goals.

For every skill set (such as Maths or English), list down things that you intend to do in order to achieve your established goals. As mentioned in a previous post, these are called process goals. For instance, if your established goal is to develop your language proficiency skills, some examples of process goals are:

  • Learn ten vocabulary words each day.
  • Practice writing by journaling every day before going to bed.
  • Read a newspaper article every morning.

3. Take breaks. 

Do not stress yourself out in trying to do a lot of things all at once. To avoid burnout, make sure to give your mind and body the break they need. Not only does this habit prevent you from feeling burned out (and eventually giving up), but it will also help you achieve more things in the process. Remember, a well-rested mind and body get to do and produce more!

4. Reward yourself.

Every time you see yourself hitting a goal, give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself accordingly! Rewards need not be extravagant; they can be as simple as treating yourself to ice cream or a good movie each time you tick something off your goals checklist. This sense of completion, achievement, and self-appreciation contributes a lot to staying driven to accomplish more and be even better.

5. Reflect. 

Take time to pause and reflect on your self-improvement journey. Think about where you were before and how far you have come. Especially on days where you feel like you are not fulfilling much, taking time to reflect on your efforts and achievements helps to keep you on track and carrying on.

Convinced now to take basic adult skills improvement classes but do not exactly know where to start? Join us at Private English Class!

Private English Class offers Functional Skills, which is a programme that equips learners with skills that are considered fundamental in working and day-to-day living, specifically Maths and English. 

Reserve a spot now by sending us an email at We will get back to your message as soon as possible.

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Motivating Adults in Developing Basic Skills

It goes without saying that certain skills are vital to thrive in life and at work. Basic adult skills, which necessarily include literacy, ESOL (English

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